今天给大家带来的内容是:西班牙建成欧洲最 大的方舱医院,可容纳5500人
随着新冠病毒的全球肆虐,欧洲多个国家遭遇了疫情的重创,其中以意大利和西班牙最为严重。疫情的肆虐也导致医疗资源严重不足,而疫情爆发中心马德里的许多医院已经是人满为患了。在这样的背景下,西班牙在首都马德里建立了欧洲最 大的方舱医院,最多可容纳5500名患者。
Spain has suffered more covid-19 deaths than any country save Italy
With its carefully spaced empty white beds laid across the dark floor, the pavilion of Madrid’s exhibition centre looked like an installation left over from last month’s contemporary art fair. In fact it is a field hospital, set up by the army in 18 hours on March 22nd.
Three days later it housed more than 300 coronavirus patients, and was being expanded to take up to 5,500. It is the front line in what Spain’s Socialist prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, has called “the most serious situation the country has faced since the civil war”.
After Italy, Spain is the country worst hit by covid-19, with 49,515 cases and 3,647 dead as of March 26th, with both numbers still rising steeply. It has now overtaken China on the death count. Officials see this week as crucial.
With the health system in Madrid, the centre of the outbreak, close to breaking point, the government hopes that a state of emergency and lockdown imposed on March 14th will ensure that the peak of infection will pass by the end of the month. Whatever happens, Spain’s economy is heading for deep recession. Its prized health system faces criticism.
This week a spectral parliament agreed to extend the state of emergency until Easter. Mr Sánchez has rejected calls from some regional governments to tighten the lockdown further. This already confines most Spaniards to their homes, with no outdoor exercise allowed.
It has shut most shops and all bars, restaurants and hotels, but allows factories, farms and building sites to continue. The prime minister notes the restrictions are among the most severe in Europe; tightening them would have an even bigger impact on livelihoods.
The priority now is to get through the health crisis. There are several pressure points. Hospitals and their intensive-care beds in the capital are all but full. As well as the new field hospital, the government has commandeered a dozen hotels for patients with milder symptoms and has ordered private hospitals to admit patients from the public system.
Spain’s outbreak has several peculiarities. The high death rate is partly because the virus has cut a swathe through nursing homes, many of which lack medical staff. Spaniards are more tactile than north Europeans and interact much more with older and more vulnerable relatives.
It is also because the government and health services, which are decentralised to regional administrations, were slow to react, with almost no testing until long after the virus had gained a hold.
Only now have 650,000 test kits arrived, with another 1m on the way. “The lockdown is very important, but not enough,” says Daniel López-Acuña, a former official at the World Health Organisation. “It has to be backed up with testing.”
contemporary [kənˈtempəreri] adj. 当代的 n. 同代人
commandeer [ˌkɑːmənˈdɪr] vt. 征用;霸占,没收;强取
peculiarity [pɪˌkjuːliˈærəti] n. 特性;特质
vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl] adj. 易受攻击的;易受伤害的
decentralise [,di:'sentrəlaiz] vt. 分散;分权